All About Sumo Menko and Cards

Sumo World Magazine Archive

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

1958 Sumo Appointment Card - What day of the week is it?

Days have blurred into nights have blurred into weekends during quarantine.  Given the fact that I have not posted in almost a month just illustrates how time flies and gets blurred when work, home, hobby, and free time are all done within a 40' distance from one another.  I hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there.

I won this BB-series card several months ago and thought it was an apt opportunity to highlight it here.  I have only ever seen this card in all my years of collecting.  It appears to be an appointment card for the Daiichi Paint company that was prominent in the 1970s and 1980s.  On the front is then-Komusubi Tamanoumi and on the back are days of the week (Monday through Saturday) along with times from 1:00pm to 6:00pm.  It is a pretty cool piece of ephemera from the late 1950s.

Given it has a bunch of ambiguous days of the week and times, it fits perfectly into how most of us are feeling on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.  It measures about 2.5" x 3.75" and has a nice amount of foxing on the front to give it just the right amount of patina.

Have an awesome week!


  1. My dad was telling me a story today about him ordering food for him and a few of his friends (they deliver food to each other's houses on specific days of the week). Anyways... he was saying that he had difficulty keeping track of the days. I told him that I'd have the same exact problem if it weren't for my work schedule. However in three weeks I'll be on summer break. When that happens... Mondays will feel like Thursdays and Thursdays will feel like Sundays. But I guess I can also use my blog to help me keep track of them. Speaking of blogs... glad to see you behind the keyboard again buddy. Great looking card. Have a great week!

    1. Right??!! Every day blends into the next it seems. Glad to be back posting, sure hope I can keep it up at least once a week. Cheers buddy.


  2. Cool find!

    Fun fact, this is the exact location where that card came from (according to the address on the back). Doesn't look lik ethe Daiichi Paint Company is there anymore though.,+Arakawa+City,+Tokyo+116-0001/@35.7476045,139.7823891,3a,75y,84.51h,89.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sysaMIL-Vj1yDk9ysW4kjSA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x60188e72ad7e0897:0x1294e3aa0310b6a5!8m2!3d35.748202!4d139.7824618?hl=en&authuser=0

    1. Oh wow, I didn’t even think to look up the address. Very cool!!
