All About Sumo Menko and Cards

Sumo World Magazine Archive

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Post #300! Keeping it Simple!

Well, I just hit my 300th post!  Hard to believe that I had 300 different things to write about and I want to thank all my readers out there for sticking with me.  Looking forward to another 300.

I'm going to keep today simple.  A fellow sumo enthusiast sent me this card of hers that she had with a bunch of other items...she knew it would go to a good home.  Boy was she right!  Although this BC561: 1956 Marusan Jyunishi Nagai 3-4-6 set is pretty common and menko pop up all the time, surprisingly I did not have this particular menko of then Maegashira Tamanoumi.  It is not in perfect shape and well-loved but that is exactly how I like them!

Tamanoumi competed in 4 different decades and was a staple on the banzuke throughout his career.  To top it off, he won the November 1957 championship when he was ranked only at Maegashira 14 with a perfect 15-0 record; a record that even some yokozuna aren't able to accomplish.

Stay safe out there and thanks for dropping by for a quick sumo menko tidbit!


  1. Happy 300th, Ryan! Hopefully you've still got many more in you.

    1. Thanks! I hope so too...thought I would hit 300 a lot quicker this year, but work has been really busy. Appreciate your reading!

  2. Congratulations on #300! Hopefully there's a vaccine and we're able to hit up another card show together before #400.

    1. That would be awesome. At this rate I won’t hit #400 until 2022 something. I sure hope we can meet up before then.

  3. Congratulations on the milestone! As for Tamanoumi, wow, competing in four different decades. Seems like that would be exceptionally difficult to do in sumo.

    1. He started in late 1930s and finally retired in 1961. Not to mention he survived a war in there too. He had quite the longevity for sure. Thanks for the congrats!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! Time sure has flown and excited to see where the next 300 takes me.

  5. Congrats, coincidentally I just hit my 300th post a couple weeks ago too! Looking forward to the next 300.

    And nice Tamanoumi card!

    1. That’s right...we are neck and neck it seems!

  6. That's one amazing and colorful piece of cardboard! Congrats on 300!

    1. Thanks! Here’s to many more years of blogging.
