Monday, December 18, 2017

2018 BBM Japanese Sumo Cards Arrive - 18 January 2018!

The next issue of sumo cards is right around the corner releasing on 18 January.  The set promises the usual cards: 70 base cards (although it appears this might actually only be 69 since Yokozuna Harumafuji retired due to an abuse scandal), 2 new Juryo cards, 5 Young Hopefuls, and 14 Off Shot cards.  Plus there will be special autograph inserts that usually fall once every few boxes.  Here are pictures that I pulled off of BBM's website.  I've found that Rakuten is a good place to order and prices are fairly reasonable.


  1. Replies
    1. Two boxes for now. Will likely pick some more up.

  2. Nice. Can't wait to see what you pull. Good luck!

    1. Thanks!! Will post the results here later in January.

  3. Unfortunately not, except for the insert cards. They made a ton of cards during those years and all the collectors have the sets already.

  4. I would be interested if the price is right in the 97 and 98 BBM Sumo sets.
