Monday, May 14, 2018

Sumo World Magazine - 10 new additions

The past few months have been very productive with additions to my collection of vintage Sumo World magazines.  This round has landed me 10 new issues (1983-2003) with some great articles from years past and puts me at having 128 out of the 162 issues issued through the end of 1999.  Once I get access to my scanner again, I'll get the covers and tables of content uploaded and in my archive list located just to the right of this article along the top of the blog.

Some highlights from the additions:

1983: Konishiki makes Juryo.  This is the same Konishiki that is in the Fast and Furious 3 movie.

1984: Takanosato weds a Japan Airlines stewardess.

1984: Preparations are underway for an overseas trip to Washington DC to see President Reagan, only to be snubbed by the former First Lady, Nancy Reagan, because the sumo wrestlers disgusted her.  I'll have to see if I can dig up that full story.

1986: The Paris basho was a smashing success and 5 wrestlers are accused of smoking marijuana

1989: Akebono is an up and coming star.

1992: Konishiki marries a super model.

For those that don't know, the internet basically killed the magazine off.  Americans living overseas could now get their sumo news near real time and didn't have to wait for the staff of Sumo World to write up the articles, print them, and then mail them out.


  1. It's a sad thing that many magazines have died off. Nothing better than getting that monthly issue in the mail.

    1. It definitely is. I remember back in the 1980s and 1990s eagerly awaiting all my subscriptions to arrive and then devouring the pages. Times have changed for sure.

  2. Sumo wrestlers get all the hot chicks.

    1. I know, right? They all tend to be models, actresses, or famous people. There weddings cost on the order of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Oddly enough, Konishiki got a divorce after 9 years. What gives?
